sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2009


This period our teacher Mrs. Sandra and Mr. Potato face proposed a presentation on a social problem of today’s society. My group (Juan Santiago B, Maria Adelaida M & Juan Camilo P) chose the topic of bullying.

After a lot of hard work we made a Podcast called “Sandro in America”, a brochure explaining the problem and 2 videos making some conscience about this problem and the possible solutions, we also picked a logo and slogan that make a message written all over this project, “Never give bullycide a chance”.

Logo & Slogan

“Never Give Bullycide a chance”

Our slogan is “Never give bullycide a chance”, with this slogan we manage a very serious topic which has very worrying consequences on society, the tendency of committing suicide because of bullying is something we have to change urgently. The fact that innocent young children and teenagers are taking their own lives makes no sense and is leaving more and more families in depression, we have to take conscience and hands on this matter because it has to change and with both our logo and slogan we are proposing a change on society to stop this. Our logo is and image that proposes a world without bullies, this image gives a message that hopefully will create conscience on the society in general so that bullying stops.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009



Our brochure includes some general information about bullying in general and some possible solution, the purpose of it is to present this problem to the society and propose some possible solutions.


The podcast is a show called “Sandro in America” in which an example of bullying is shown and explained with some humor, but it also includes some interesting facts on this social problem.


There are two videos, the first one was made to create some conscience on the consequences of bullying and why it should be stopped and the second one is a case of bullying presented with some humor.


The goal of our project is clear; we need to stop bullying in our society, the consequences are very real and very serious, we need to create conscience specially on young kids so that this problem is eradicated in a close future, it is projects like this that can make a change so we have to promote them all over the world.

Project created by:

Juan Santiago Bermudez,
Maria Adelaida Mendoza
Juan Camilo Pelaez